Meet Our Team of Therapists
Steve Thorpe
Ruth Minnick
Kaitlin Skog
Stefani Azores-Gococo
Don Tinsley
Ulyana Doko
Will Love
Mary Dungy
Elyse Naples
Tiffany Voltz
Chelsea Dillavou, LCSW
Emma Cheski
Amar Davé
Katie Alrutz
Laura Tracz-Gelis
Pamela Finney Swenson
Adi Tur-Kaspa
Siobhan Donati
Anthony Holland
Robin Hyun
Jazmine Joyce
Richard Mendoza
Luke Duroc-Danner
Saralina Kamholtz
Diversity Statement
Living Well Psychotherapy is fully committed to providing services that affirm the dignity, worth, and value of every individual. We work to create an atmosphere of openness, trust, respect, and safety where diverse attitudes, beliefs, values, and behaviors can be explored and discussed. We seek to understand and honor individual differences, including but not limited to experiences related to: race, ethnicity, national origin, religious and spiritual beliefs, gender, sexuality, physical and mental abilities, size and appearance, and socio-economic status. We strive to provide a welcoming and enriching environment that is conducive to the intellectual, emotional, and social development of our diverse community.
We seek to constantly challenge our own frame of references to see, understand, and empathize with where individuals are coming from and to take into account the cultural and structural forces that are in play in their lives that may be different from our own.
Mental health concerns arise in the context of social and cultural forces of power and privilege that intersect with client’s lives in the forms of racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, heterosexism, and other forms of marginalization and oppression. These forces are unacknowledged in many settings, leaving the impacted individuals to feel alone, voiceless, and invalidated. Our staff approaches clinical work in a culturally sensitive manner, employing approaches that include empowerment and advocacy.
We strive to make Living Well Psychotherapy a open, affirming, and safe working environment in which all parties feel understood, valued, and accepted. We take responsibility to grow in our awareness, reduce barriers and bias, and strengthen our multicultural competence.
We understand that inclusiveness and social justice are an ongoing endeavor rather than a point of arrival and we can never assume we have reached an end point. At times, values may conflict, but we are committed to supporting and challenging each other through difficult dialogues. Courage and empathy are necessary building blocks for a community in which differences are celebrated.