What Does It Mean to Live Well?

Our Living Well Psychotherapy logo gives an image of a tree with many seasons’ colors, reaching toward and emitting light. It is one with deep roots and many branches. Similarly, a well-lived life can have a holistic approach considering mind, body, health, spirit, and community.
Living well in our times is too often represented as a surface covered with the Insta-image, photoshopped lifestyle with the shiny enamel of life, in the sparkle in our smile, the label on our clothing, the sheen on our brand-new car, or the bubble in our beverage. What if the glow came from within? What if you were to bubble over with joy from your internal spring, and you were the resource you were pulling from?
The world we often see doesn’t represent how we feel, the depth of our being with all the interesting layers of sediment that create who we are. We each are unique individuals with experiences that are the core of who and how we are. Yet, too often, we let these parts hide in the shadows. Living well brings all these parts to the light, loving all of who we are and being open to discovering the deepest parts of our internal well.
Engaging with others in your community with practices can create more openness and resonance, such as yoga, mindfulness, meditation, movement, singing, chanting, or prayer. These can help create better attunement and overall mind-body integration. The body holds sensations, movements, and emotions that support learning, creativity, experiences, and intelligence. By unlocking and understanding ourselves with greater awareness, we open the door to greater expression. Connect with our team to understand more about supporting your Living Well journey!

Steve Thorpe and Ruth Minnick – Founders
Heart-centered Psychotherapy for You or a Loved One
Living Well Psychotherapy cares deeply about your growth and development. We can connect deeply with your unique pain and facilitate healing and growth to help you live your best. Our clients don’t just heal their wounds and reduce their symptoms; they grow, transform, and increase their capacity to live fully in their lives, relationships, careers, and a sense of purpose.
The Living Well Psychotherapy process is rooted in healing practices that work directly with your nervous system to address trauma, anxiety, depression, overwhelm, and relational challenges. We strongly emphasize overall wellness in terms of mind, body, spirit, and community and are very relationally focused. Relationships often bring us the most joy and pain in our lives, and we help clients heal relationally and individually.
We are a heart-centered practice. We ultimately seek to restore your capacity to give and accept love fully, set boundaries and excel at self-care, and live a life of purpose and connection.
Tested and Proven Modalities with Psychotherapy Specialists You Can Trust
Are you seeking to cultivate more meaningful and fulfilling relationships? Do you notice recurring patterns that hinder the quality of your connections with others? Delving into the realm of adult attachment and its influence on your relationships can open the doors to a lasting transformation.
Living Well Psychotherapy offers you or a loved one tested and proven modalities with specialists in psychotherapy who really care. Enjoy a safe place to start your journey to better living and better relationships with your free 15-minute consultation. You have no obligation of any kind.
Check out our team and find the therapist that is right for you
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